Thursday, July 14, 2022

Why vitamin c skin care products are necessary to have silky skin?

Did you know that a lack of Vitamin C can lead to dull, flaky, dry, and sensitive skin? The reason why vitamins (especially vitamin C) are so important for the health of your skin is that they help maintain the natural collagen structure and strengthen the skin’s supportive cells. That means that an over-abundance of vitamin C in the body can lead to dry, flaky, brittle, or slightly broken skin.

vitamin c skin care products


It’s also because vitamin cskin care products help maintain a healthy pH level in the skin which prevents further breakdown of the natural moisturizing barrier component known as sebum (oil). Read on to discover more about why you need to regularly apply a high concentration of vitamin c as opposed to simply drinking lots of water without it.


What is the function of vitamin C in the skin?

Vitamin C has a wide range of functions in the skin, but mainly it helps maintain the “hydration balance” in the skin. This balance is crucial for keeping the skin’s natural oils in balance, preventing the build-up of dead and/or broken skin cells, and keeping the skin’s pH level in check.


How to achieve a healthy pH level in the skin


One of the best ways to maintain a healthy pH level in the skin is to apply a serum with a high concentration of antioxidants. The antioxidants in the skin’s layer that lies between the skin’s meridians (where the skin’s “lifeblood” is found) help maintain healthy blood pressure in the skin and keep the skin hydrated. Another important function of antioxidants is to reduce inflammation which may lead to skin conditions such as acne and eczema.


What happens if you don’t apply enough vitamin C?


Unfortunately, applying too much vitamin C can lead to dry, flaky, brittle, or slightly broken skin. While too little vitamin C may not be a problem, an excessive amount can cause dry, flaky, or sensitive skin. Unfortunately, many people don’t drink enough water and end up with dehydrated skin (which can lead to dehydrated skin, visible wrinkles, and dull-looking skin). This is due to many reasons such as a poor diet, working outside in the sun, and not doing enough lie-down time before heading to bed. If you are experiencing these signs and symptoms, it is wise to seek medical advice as an over-the-counter (OTC) product such as a Vitamin C lotion may be able to help.


Final words


Although there is still much research to be done in this area, it appears that vitamin C is hydrating the skin and helping to maintain its structural integrity. A lack of vitamin C can cause dry, flaky, and sensitive skin. Do you know that a lack of Vitamin C can lead to dull, flaky, dry, and sensitive skin? The reason why vitamins (especially vitamin C) are so important for the health of your skin is that they help maintain the natural collagen structure and strengthen the skin’s supportive cells.